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MobMash - Results


Pos. Name Rating Matches Wins Losses Trend
1 Cat Cat 2,294 1350 1320 30
2 Panda Panda 2,027 252 186 66
3 Axolotl Axolotl 2,006 383 309 74
4 Fox Fox 1,932 206 114 92
5 Parrot Parrot 1,851 229 142 87
6 Ocelot Ocelot 1,821 283 183 100
7 Pufferfish Pufferfish 1,821 89 51 38
8 Bee Bee 1,797 162 81 81
9 Snow Golem Snow Golem 1,733 121 66 55
10 Wolf Wolf 1,732 121 51 70
11 Villager Villager 1,699 133 63 70
12 Salmon Salmon 1,692 142 74 68
13 Sheep Sheep 1,648 140 60 80
14 Enderman Enderman 1,644 130 64 66
15 Wandering Trader Wandering Trader 1,637 81 27 54
16 Pig Pig 1,599 73 24 49
17 Turtle Turtle 1,578 125 51 74
18 Slime Slime 1,566 80 28 52
19 Bat Bat 1,551 431 340 91
20 Iron Golem Iron Golem 1,523 129 50 79
21 Ender Dragon Ender Dragon 1,493 180 77 103
22 Goat Goat 1,484 64 16 48
23 Shulker Shulker 1,473 143 55 88
24 Tropical Fish Tropical Fish 1,469 50 10 40
25 Armadillo Armadillo 1,456 48 10 38
26 Evoker Evoker 1,452 48 8 40
27 Chicken Chicken 1,450 49 9 40
28 Warden Warden 1,447 66 16 50
29 Cod Cod 1,446 44 6 38
30 Llama Llama 1,444 182 102 80
31 Ravager Ravager 1,439 58 12 46
32 Tadpole Tadpole 1,437 42 3 39
33 Dolphin Dolphin 1,437 49 8 41
34 Camel Camel 1,437 81 23 58
35 Skeleton Horse Skeleton Horse 1,436 214 119 95
36 Mule Mule 1,435 54 10 44
37 Squid Squid 1,433 53 11 42
38 Mooshroom Mooshroom 1,431 94 29 65
39 Glow Squid Glow Squid 1,425 50 9 41
40 Strider Strider 1,424 40 5 35
41 Witch Witch 1,423 50 7 43
42 Wither Skeleton Wither Skeleton 1,422 41 5 36
43 Cave Spider Cave Spider 1,422 45 5 40
44 Zombie Zombie 1,422 52 9 43
45 Zombified Piglin Zombified Piglin 1,422 43 5 38
46 Allay Allay 1,421 60 12 48
47 Zombie Horse Zombie Horse 1,421 104 36 68
48 Polar Bear Polar Bear 1,421 79 20 59
49 Endermite Endermite 1,420 41 4 37
50 Skeleton Skeleton 1,417 36 2 34
51 Magma Cube Magma Cube 1,416 42 4 38
52 Illusioner Illusioner 1,416 41 5 36
53 Bogged Bogged 1,415 39 3 36
54 Elder Guardian Elder Guardian 1,412 45 6 39
55 Blaze Blaze 1,412 53 9 44
56 Frog Frog 1,411 38 2 36
57 Piglin Brute Piglin Brute 1,408 51 8 43
58 Guardian Guardian 1,405 42 4 38
59 Sniffer Sniffer 1,405 63 13 50
60 Rabbit Rabbit 1,405 90 28 62
61 Cow Cow 1,404 59 13 46
62 Vindicator Vindicator 1,404 43 6 37
63 Piglin Piglin 1,402 43 5 38
64 Spider Spider 1,402 42 4 38
65 Stray Stray 1,402 40 3 37
66 Horse Horse 1,398 92 28 64
67 Ghast Ghast 1,397 44 4 40
68 Creeper Creeper 1,392 42 4 38
69 Wither Wither 1,383 52 9 43
70 Husk Husk 1,382 39 3 36
71 Zombie Villager Zombie Villager 1,375 55 10 45
72 Hoglin Hoglin 1,374 41 4 37
73 Pillager Pillager 1,369 40 3 37
74 Zoglin Zoglin 1,367 51 7 44
75 Silverfish Silverfish 1,367 41 3 38
76 Donkey Donkey 1,366 45 4 41
77 Vex Vex 1,362 72 18 54
78 Breeze Breeze 1,359 37 0 37
79 Phantom Phantom 1,341 39 2 37
80 Drowned Drowned 1,339 39 1 38

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